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Il “Grande Gioco” libico

Il “Grande Gioco” libico

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A cura di @MostroDeiBiscotti.

La visita del generale Haftar sulla portaerei russa Ammiraglio Kuznetsov ha riacceso l’interesse della stampa verso l’intricato gioco di diplomazie che si sta svolgendo in Libia. Due brevi articoli sul Sole24Ore e Al-Monitor riassumono gli ultimi eventi e descrivono la situazione sul campo. Un commento di Gianandrea Gaiani su Analisi Difesa segnala i rischi legati all’escalation di un impegno russo nell’area mentre un editoriale su Foreign Policy analizza lo sforzo italiano per stabilizzare la regione.

In seeking to reassert its influence there today, though, Italy is handicapped by the weakness of the unity government it is trying to prop up. Since installing itself in Tripoli after U.N.-brokered peace negotiations a year ago, the GNA has been unable to provide security or basic services to citizens. It controls little territory and is at the mercy of militias that have pledged allegiance to it — but could abandon it at any time.

“I think Europe and Italy have put all their eggs into this Government of National Accord,” said Mohamed Eljarh, a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council based in Tobruk. “So they have no option but to push hard and try for the best, despite the fact that all signs are telling us that this government is not going to work.”

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