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La statuetta di una donna molto grassa di 8000 anni fa [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @MostroDeiBiscotti

In Anatolia, presso Çatalhöyük, uno dei più importanti centri di epoca neolitica, è stata ritrovata perfettamente conservata una statuetta risalente a circa 8000 anni fa raffigurante una donna dalle forme piuttosto abbondanti. Un articolo su Ars Technica descrive la scoperta.

Meskell and her colleagues suggest instead that these female figures are likely representations of village elders, respected older women who had a lot of power in the community. She points out that their bodies are not youthful, and their bellies and breasts do not exhibit the roundness of pregnancy or fertility. Instead, their bellies and breasts sag. These are older women, their size possibly intended to convey the accumulation of wisdom—or continued prosperity. Hodder told Ars that the new figurine supports Meskell’s interpretation, as it also appears to be an older woman “who has achieved status.”


Immagine di Omar hoftun via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

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