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The Biggest Scientific Discoveries of 2016 [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Omotto (Lich version).

Maddie Stone su Gizmodo ci fa una rassegna di alcune tra le più interessanti scoperte del 2016, tra esopianeti estremamente vicini e (forse) con acqua allo stato liquido, ingegneria genetica applicata ad homo sapiens e carbon capture.

2016 was an insane year across the board, and the world of scientific discovery is no exception. Science saw some serious setbacks this year, but also some major breakthroughs, from the groundbreaking detection of gravitational waves to the discovery of an Earth-sized exoplanet less than five light years away. These, dear readers, are the science stories everybody was talking about in 2016.


Immagine di Charly Karl, CC BY-ND 2.0, da flickr

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